SimplyBiz® helping you get connected after lockdown
There is much gloom and doom out there, but we want to focus on the can-do’s, not the can’t-do’s.
∙ Suddenly in need of a spare laptop or collaborative software?
∙ Share what your business is doing to survive Covid-19 and “distance hustling”.
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Covid-19 is a game-changer and going forward, digitisation and connectivity will become a necessity, not a luxury. That’s why we are giving you a chance to work remotely and stay in touch with your customers with these incredible prizes:
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∙ First Draw - 27 March 2020 (Closed)
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What my business is doing to survive Covid-19?
As a business storytelling coach & founder of Flying Kite. Here are the actions I've taken to combat the situation.
1. Share what your business is doing to survive Covid-19 and “distance hustling”.
2. Share your ideas and positive experiences.
Hello! I own a Social Media Marketing Company called Glo Goddess Marketing and Advertising and a Website Design Company called Azaliah Creations. Firstly we are keeping really positive and making sure to spread positive vibes and helpful information regarding staying safe and regarding Debt Relief Funding from the Government to Business owners via social media! We are using all our social media platforms to get people informed and to not give up hope in these trying times.We have been promoting the notion of businesses' embracing digital marketing to reach a wider audience base, and we provide tips on how best use social media and digital avenues for business gain. We have also been using email marketing and Whatsapp for business, and conference calls to engage as a Team and with our customers. We use Zoom Cloud meeting for conferencing, Team Viewer, and other planning and scheduling tools and apps. We have had to change our way of doing things but technology is making it easier to implement the adjustment. We also use digital copies instead of hardcopies in our business now, as we cannot meet up to physically exchange printed documentation. Our website www.azaliahcreations.com has a live chat were business owners who need to put a website to do business digitally can find out as much info from us without having to call because of possible airtime constraints
My business is an online marketing firm named DA Digital Works. During this time of the pandemic COVID-19 we are working from home. Knowing that everyone is home that means more time for being social on the internet. Our strategy is to stay connected to our audience by launching more online ads, sending more newsletters and increasing subscribers. We target them through social media and also bring them close even at this critical conditions also making sure they're safe all the time by staying home. We also try to increase traffic on our website www.dadigitalworks.co.za by doing that we are still able to reach our target audience.
My Small business is an Internet Cafe and Printing Company. Kingsconnection Pry Ltd. Since the Lockdown Started, we tired to Strategize on how we can make money moving forward. Then looked at Students who are studying online like Unisa and other institutions. In this case students, are allowed to send their assignments for typing. Those who doesn't have Laptop they hired them to be about to Work from home during this lockdown. Moving forward we trying to minimize the effects that the country is going through.
In my line of work we are hands on . Designing and making of curtains .we sell to those who sell to others ,which at the end creates a chain of income for myself , my workers and those outside my business. BUT at this time faced with a challenging situation that affects all not one but all ... the whole chain from supplier to consumer. I encourage my clients and those around me that " THIS TOO SHALL PASS " . Let's just work together with our government ... we all have a part to do to make things better. And in due time things will get going.
My experience on a personal level and as a member of InfoTech logic (T-Logic), this unfortunate pandemic has presented new opportunities i.e. spending more time with my kids and accelerating our Microsoft 365 deployment strategy. The highlight of my first week was helping my son access his virtual classroom on Microsoft Teams and helping him connect to his extra mural activities via Zoom. I have to say I'm jealous of this education delivery system that the school has put in place.
And with that said an idea of having a unified education system came to mind - this adjustment proves that school is more than just a bricks and mortar structure. we can deploy the same curriculum across all South African's in all walks of life. Obviously this means adding internet access to the basic needs category. Just like we thrive to bring electricity and running water to the our townships and rural areas - a call for an accelerated roll-out is in order for fiber and other related internet delivery infrastructure(upgrade existing cellular network towers) . If we dream big enough we can utilise existing power lines for Power of Ethernet (PoE) deployments (subject to further research). I can go on for days but for further tech tips and how we can pull together during these trying times, feel free to visit our website: https://t-logic.co.za/cloudflare-for-teams-free-for-small-businesses-during-coronavirus-emergency/
At Lobese Designs during this lockdown our offices are closed but our customer services continues, we make use of WhatsApp and Team viewer for technical support and enquires.
For advertising we use Social Media such as Facebook ads and Google ads.
E-mail: admin@lobesedesigns.co.za
Website: www.lobesedesigns.co.za
Objectiva (Pty) Ltd is a proudly South-African psychological assessment solutions company and our website is www.objectivaconsulting.co.za. Our business focuses on recruitment, selection, development and training in the corporate space. COVID-19 has rendered most of our service null and void. However, we have remained positive and forward-thinking, offering online interview options to our clients and remote assessment options and absorbing the extra costs associated with the virtual space.
Our findings:
1) Look at online, virtual solutions for your business as digitisation is a trend of the future in any case
2) Turn to your social media pages for brand awareness and to boost sales
3) Don't increase your cost to customer because your overheads are outweighing your income. Loyalty and trust are far more important at this stage.
4) Use the time to get to the things you don;t usually get to. As a small business owner, I have tried to focus on things like creating a sound operations manual, attend as many webinars as possible, read up on blogs and other industry relevant material.
5) Remain positive, acknowledge the reality of the situation and focus on what you can.
We at The Family Counselling Centre have done some quick skills development around working on skype and Zoom. We are currently sending out a Mail chimp Newsletter advertising our new way of counselling our existing clients AND new clients.
This is a time of connection. It is unprecedented. It is new and because of that, it is very scary. Everyone is stripped to their own individual environment. We believe that our Client's best interest is always #1. We believe that counselling CAN be done remotely and we can support the lockdown while offering our services.
The challenge is that many find Coousnelling at a time like this to be a NON-Essential s strange as that may sound it is indeed a natural response to a crisis. If it is not serving my immediate survival I do not need to consider it.
Our Job at a time like this is to inform the public about ways to stay positive - by connecting with people they love. To stay encouraged by Social (media) distancing and filtering out the fearmongering posts; To Stay healthy by staying at home and finally to stay hopeful by asking questions - even uncomfortable ones.
Thami P. Tshabalala
LordPraise Services
[Formally]: LORDPRAISE Financial Services and Tax Planning (Pty) Ltd 2012|184510|07]
LordPraise Financial Services and Tax Planning [Pty] Ltd.
Also trading as :
LordPraise Supply Services and LordPraise Financial Services Our core Business can be Summarized to three Pillars:
Comprehensive Supply Services
Business Consultancy-Services, and
Financial Consultancy Services
Our Secondary Business
Strategic Franchise Business [es]
“We Serve to Comply with our Mission!
As LordPraise we have embarked on the awareness strategy using the social network to redirect the correct information about the COVID-9 Pandemic/ Epidemic and the Lockdown phase we are in it.
One of the awareness was on the understanding of The Personal Protective Equipment or Gear to use especially the Masks and their total Protective strength on the COVID-19[SARS 2 Virus and which one to chose from. We have seen the Misrepresented information and lack of understand on the types from China, USA and European types:
Things you don’t know about masks!!
Several series about masks:
1. N series is American standard
2. KN series is Chinese standard
3. FFP series is European standard
The larger the number, the higher the protection level.
It is expressed by a formula: FFP3 > FFP2 = N95 = KN95 > KN90
Numbers end with “V”, Indicates that there is a valve
All 95 starts with the N95 series.
The 90 series can also be used. The 90 series do not have a high degree of protection of 95, but it can also resist more than 90%, which is better than ordinary masks. In general, the N95 series is sufficient to fight viruses and flu.
Regarding the three standards of masks: the model and implementation standards of the mask are printed on the left side of the mask.
1. N95 is produced according to the American standard NOISH, the manufacturers are 3M and Honeywell.
2. FFP2 is the European standard EN149; European manufacturers of FFP2 standard masks include German UVEX, etc.; FFP3 is a protective mask with higher protection level (99).
3. KN95 is the Chinese standard GB2626-2006. The Chinese standard GB2626-2006 refers to the ordinary KN95 mask standard. The medical KN95 mask standard is GB19083-2010.
Medical N95 masks need to be protected against high-pressure liquid splashing, so it has a higher standard than ordinary N95.
Taking 3M as an example, the models 1860 and 9132 are the most commonly used medical protective masks. In addition, there are 1860s for children.
Ordinary people or medical personnel who are not exposed to high-pressure liquid spray can choose ordinary N95 masks that meet the NOISH standard.
Medical masks are not allowed to have valves. When ordinary people are infected or suspected to be infected, a medical mask without a valve must be selected.
Knowing this, choose what you need!
Good day,
We at Dotmedical(Pty)Ltd are a Mens Health Clinic.With the Covid19 annoucements we had to think out of the box to keep our clients and or to get more new clients in so that they can get the help they needed.This was easier said then done.
So this was our plan and really works well that we are exceeding our turnover during this trying and difficult times.
1) We have set-up a dedicated media communicator to answer all question related to all health issue.Irrespective whether its related to our business, or Covid19 info or any other health issues that they may have although we are a Mens Health specialist clinic.I find that discussing issues with persons is a springboard of how helpfull and professional our staff and clinic are featured in this Lockdown period.
2)We provide regular updates on Covid 19 through our website: www.dot-medical.co.za as well as twitter and facebook accounts.
3)We currently have a special for existing and new clients.For every month supply or more , of medication bought we for their sexual health problem, we issue them a goodie pack that consists fo mask,hand sanitizers and gloves.And instruction that go with it.This packages I bought in bulk way before the 21 days Lockdown.Believe me its still going strong.
4)I have also lowered prices on certain goods as an incentive and also incentivsed my workers salary to help them earn more during this time.
These are but a few changes that we have made and WOW its going very well.As people will be at home for 21 days they will have to keep themselves occupied and its a positive spin for couples.
So guys use this condtion as a positive opportunity and turn it into GOLD.
Soledi Trading Enterprise depends on community to come buy vegetables or departments like correctional services but during this lockdown time it is very difficult to keep the business going.
As such as we are selling essential products but if we don't have permits we can't keep the business going, by the time this lockdown period is over, some of the products would be dead and not good for consumption.
One other thing we need tractors to help prepare the soil and we struggling to get help because people don't wanna be seen in the streets.
But we still have hope and we wish all other business owners well and encourage them to never give up, let's continue supporting each other and be willing to to best all the time.
After this period we are hoping to work twice as harder to recover the time and the loss we've been having since the lockdown.
We are an events planning and styling company and our nature of business involves organizing and executing social events that bring together large number of people. At lovestruck occasions we have advised and encourage all our clients to postpone their events for now and await progress on the lockdown before deciding on the new dates. When the lockdown announcement was made, a lot of our clients panicked about their upcoming events and we assured them that we will be open for business, however we will do events after the lockdown.
Also to ensure we are safe, we have been cleaning the equipment we use, buy or collect from the post office. To keep business going and stay in touch with our clients we have been using emails, social media, Skype and whatsapp. To work together as a business, we decided that members of the team will stay at home and we work remotely through whatsapp group, Skype meetings and emails.
Lastly we are using this time to maximize on our social media advertising and organization or digital part of the business.
We hope that everyone stays at home & stay safe
Secret Sunrise Eastern Cape has navigated online for now. Hosting unbelievable sessions and connections, 3-5 a week. Helping people to connect online, move and de-stress, share and be. It is so magical to have people from all over the world join in. Like my socal platforms in LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram for event links and events as they launch. Perhaps I'll see you at a dance soon!!!
I have however found that my laptop speed is taking strain and I will need to upgrade the ram as soon as I can after lock down. It is working for now but running slowly and needs to be upgraded.
I am so glad to see how society is pulling together in this time of crisis. And people assisting others and small businesses throughout!!! A little goes so far!!!
My auto mechanic business has closed down since the lock down and been in rural area am afraid today even attend the calling and knocking emergencies as here there is no extensive knowledge and the people takes this pandemic a joke; there is no safe precautions even in the nearby Malls and Town; but am creating and doing awareness for my fellow communities with my Social relief project hoping ti impact lives....
Yez we are going throught an invisiable war and it would seem that we can do nothing with our hands to ease of this strain this is putting on our daily income. But. It is actually goid to rethink our stratigies and how to make better provisions for thia unforseen handicapp .thanks to whats app keeping intouch with clients and also softwear like pdf creTor adope reader i can still send and plans and docs to xlienta easy and very cheaply easing of aome cost and also no exposure . So with these tools we can stil maintain an bussines ralationship with ckients for after this we wil still be working and this now is just a atepping stone in to combatting future crisuses
We at Gaobamelwe farming we continue serving our customers, consumers with fresh produce vegetables by going extra mile delivery to their door while maintaining the safety guidelines outline to combat the pandemic outbreak we faced with. The orders are down when compared to February but surely the strategy we embarked on is yielding positive results to us.
My business is to sell hardware because Corona virus my business is closed so it will be difficul for me to pay rent cause now business is closed since I realy on this businesses for everything
As Euphoria Logistics we provide business to business services. Given the new challenges we have added other services focusing on customers directly especially the lower LSM'S by selling Kotas, Skhambana, Bunny Chows, Sandwiches, Beverages. To improve our bottom line, we are also using Yoco card payment machine to afford convenience to those customers who do want to pay with their bank cards. Soon we will be launching other business ideas especially in agriculture & agro-processing. We are prisoners of hope, this too shall pass.
At Fintech Group, behave embraced technology and used this window of opportunity to reconfigure our digital tools. We have been fortunate to find clients who are 'bored' and ready plus willing to 'play' with us. So, existing tools are being spruced up. New ones being set up. Obsolete ones being phased out and existing and new clients being brought on board. We are trying to be productive during lockdown. We managed to connect a client during lockdown. Transaction completed and payment received!!
I am a Virtual Executive Assistant. Through my organisation TAELO Administrative Solutions, I am using this time to consult with Entrepreneurs and advise them on the best way to go digital with their business' administrative task. Digitilisation is certainly the way of the future and they need to be ready to function with ease in this environment. My organisation takes care of all administrative tasks for an entrepreneur, thus giving them the time they require to focus on strategic topics that grow their businesses.
Limitless Tuition is a tutoring company in the education sector. We offer one-on-one private tutoring and did it in the comfort of the customers home. This ensured convenience, flexibility and consistency. Due to the COVID-19 we have moved our business online, where we use an existing online platform to still continue tutoring students in the comfort of their home. We have reduced our rate and offered some free services too, so that our children do not suffer academically. Term 2 was suppose to start today (31 March 2020) and with our trained and experienced staff, we are starting with term 2 work to give our children an educational boost during these very trying times. We continue to add value and help parents. (www.limitlesstuition.waynes.com) If we should win, we can get external cameras/laptop to expand the value we create.
Wow Nedbank really care their clients during this terrible time
What we have been doing at Ama Creatives during this trying time, is to make all communication with our customers digital. We have added all our clients as well as anybody that wishes to received daily updates regarding the lockdown to our whatsapp group. These updates included a summarized brief of the presidents updates regarding COVID19 as well as tips that everybody can take to pass the time in a safe and confined manner during this lock down.
Apart from the social aspect, we have provided discounted graphic and web design services to potential clients as we see this as the best time to 'work on the dream' while you have the time.
In my personal experience, Im witnessing how the economic climate can change at a drop of a hat and how hard that impact can be on not just large corporations, but also small businesses such as everybody listed below. How ever, we are a resilient nation and as South Africans we have been pulling together to get through this. I strongly believe that we will come out stronger as a nation and as the globe.
To all entrepreneurs reading this, should you require some amazing graphic design and web design/hosting services, please don't hesitate to contact us via email. You can find us on amacreatives.co.za and remember, STAY SAFE. STAY INDOORS :)
This lockdown started for me when the schools closed on the 10th March 2020. The inability to attend face-to-face meetings and support cancer patients in person has been heartbreaking on both the physical and emotional level. But this pandemic is now allowing me to relook at my business from a digital perspective and reaching out to people has made me realise that although we need that hug or cuppa coffee in person.... We can be more productive, due to less "travelling" times.
We have outsourced the deliveries of our alkaline, ionised water and this has allowed us to reduce the staff complement needed, but there is more demand than supply and it isn’t funny, not being able to manufacture on demand due to limited resources is taking its toll.
Lastly, this pandemic has opened my eyes to the power of collaboration... Why are WE as business owners so in need of HAVING our own in-house logistics... Why not partner with another company in your vicinity and collaborate on routes and share resources?
The environment of business is changing at an alarming rate and what we choose to do during this time, will also determine the future of our businesses. So we are re-evaluating, analysing and prepare for the next decade of Restore H2o.
Mantsha General Dealing and Supply is mainly doing water meter installation, we work as a sub contractor for the bulk and domestic water meter installation. These period of the lock down we are slowly working since we are essential services because people can not survive without water and it has impacted us badly because we had to reduce the number of teams and the contract pay as what you have done. We are no longer getting more jobs since there is less of new installations and all most of the businesses are on lock down as well. Moving forward it will be tough for us since the contract is even ending end of June and we are not even sure that we will be able to sustain our own experiences. In overall we are complying since as a team we need to be healthy for our clients and the community as a whole
At Meter Mate we are an essential service so must keep the lights on for all the tenants that have our meters in their properties. Our staff have had to split - half are working from home for essential support while the other half are at home with their families. In order to keep the team spirit up we have a whatsapp group with all staff on it where we encouarge engagement. We have an assigned buddy that we need to check in with daily as well as a buddy pair that is chosen to give us a daily exercise at 4pm.
We are a family at Meter Mate and we are in this together whether we are the ones working or the ones who are not able to work. We know that this will hold us together and create a stronger bond between us.
We as Iviwez Portion sent helpful information to our clients about the corona virus and comforting messages to keep them calm and productive during this time.
We also bought for our employees more protective products like gloves, musks and sanitizers to ensure that they feel secured and work at ease.
We are also making use of Zoom App for our meetings and discussions. We keep on going during this difficult time to ensure that people have something to eat to keep alive and positive for a brighter future. For there is light at the end of the tunnel, therefore let's not loose hope this too shall pass and will leave us more powerful, productive and successful than it found us.
Us at Reaoleboga holdings we are stuck, not doing a single thing during this lockdown. We are a paper recycling company so we get our paper from schools so since the schools are closed we can't do anything. We have two employees for now so we always advice them to wash their hands frequently, we provided them with hand sanitizers to take home and if finished they call us so we can organize more for them also we are also planning to provide them with food parcels as from April so they can feed their families. We will struggle with them even if we were not well off as a company, I as the owner of the business I take money out of my salary so all this can happen.
At LS Squeaky Clean, our business is closed down during the covid-19 pandemic but we have made sure our customers are well taken care of as in teaching how to prevent virus and staying at home during lock-down. In this 2 days, we have made arrangements with transporters to do joint venture in logistics business our business is venturing in. We have made bookings at the mine for transporters to transport their coal, as soon as lock-down is over, work is going to commence and we are very happy. And also, I have given myself time to study the financial stock market and preparing myself to buy at-least 5 shares in Sasol Limited, I mean stick market is on sale and we better take advantage of that but mot forget to study the market and companies we are investing in. Thank you!
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