Need Sales?



Marketing is not a standard one-size-fits-all package. Each business is unique and each market segment has different needs and wants. The one thing all businesses have in common is the need to grow revenue by attracting and retaining more customers.

Landing just one new client may lead to more clients. Ultimately, all marketing activities serve one primary goal: to get sales. Take a look inside your marketing box of tricks to find out whether you have the contents you need to land your next client.


Get more sales by asking yourself these 10 questions

1. Who am I talking to?

2. What problem am I solving or need am I fulfilling?

3. Why would they buy from me and not anyone else?

4. What’s stopping them from buying from me?

5. Where did my last sale come from?

6. What one skill do I need so I can sell better?

7. How can I build a relationship with a supplier or existing client to get more sales?

8. Where can I place an advert so that my customers are most likely to see it or hear it?

9. How can I use my social media page/s to get more sales?

10. What’s the next step I can take now, in my own network, to get just one more client?



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  • How much does my customer value what I do for them? - Understanding the value helps you know the price point and process better.

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  • @MichaelDust this is a good additional perspective Michael. Thank you for sharing this.
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  • @SeanMantel this is true. Business owners should also test whether they are in fact fulfillinga need / solvinga problemwith prospective clients. Hard conversationsallow forfine-tuning an offer too.
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  • @Danieljas I love those books. You are who you are associated with - most true words right there!
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  • @SimplyBiz personally I believe one should always ensure that they are not the smartest person in the room and always be around people who stimulate/challenge them mentally. This will in turn push them to achieve great goals and expedite their maturity in business.
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  • @SayoF we love your company name - Kandua. Derived from “Can-do” it is our ethos A business ownersethos too I can do that!
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  • @Danieljas it's so true about surrounding yourself with people who can teach you techniques or at least learnby examplejust by paying attention to how they do things. The majority of my new clients come from referrals. I'm sure I take the way I work and deal with clients for granted as it's just second nature to me but to an outsider or someone trying to break into an industry there may be methods in my approach they could pick up on. The same goes when I meet and work with people who come across professional intelligent and calm! I listen to the way they speak the termsthey use and how they communicate in email.
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  • @NikkiG I like your last points especially around listening. The most powerful people in the world have learned the value of listening and then applying.
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  • @SimplyBiz some key principles from the book - definitely worth reading for an explanation of each. Don’tcriticize condemn or complain. Give honest and sincere appreciation. Arouse in the other person an eager need or want. Become genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. Show respect for other person’s opinions. Never say “You’re wrong.” If you are wrong admit it quickly and emphatically. Begin in a friendly way. Get the other person saying “yes yes” immediately. Let the other person do a a great deal of the talking. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. Try honestly to see things from the other persons point of view. By synthetic with the other person’s ideas and desires. Appeal to the other nobler motives. Dramatize your ideas. Throw down a challenge. Begin with praise and honest appreciation. Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Let the other person save face. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in your appreciation and lavish in your praise.” Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
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  • @Danieljas This is an interesting conversation and some interesting comments and suggestions. Sales is something that can become learned overtime the choice of a customer to choose any 1 business from a myriad of businesses out there all comes down to communication. Whether one is good at sales strategy but without manner for communication no business can have long term success in any line of business. It is something that needs constant training to master..
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  • @Danieljas we agree - reading is essential and great entrepreneurs never stop learning! What techniques have you picked up that youcanshare with the community?
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  • @Danieljas great points here and reference to Dale C. I learnt a lot about connecting with people through this. Thank you.
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  • @Danieljas these leaders have great podcasts too which are useful for people who aren't avid readers.
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  • @Danieljas thanks for this!
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  • @SayoF connecting is the key. Many people think networking or simply conversing for the sake of conversing is key.
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  • @SayoF you Kandua website looks great! International standards.
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  • @SimplyBiz i would like to say thank you to all the participating intelligent entrepreneurs on this platform for sharing your business perspectives it really comes very handy to new business owners like myself, reading all your insights has made me feel at home, i will also take part in learning and sharing with all of you my experiences, thank you.

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  • Which question would you ask to increase sales today?
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  • For me the most important lessons I have learnt about sales come from the books I have read and the people I surround myself with. Books by Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill (as an example) definitely help. I also think its absolutely critical to surround yourself with the right people who can teach you techniques from first hand experience.
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  • @Rmichael agreed here. You should also add this with being Culturally adaptive and respectful at all time.
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  • Mine is -What the problem am I solving or need am I fulfilling? This is important as it defines your WHY for doing what you are doing and therefore the purpose is there. This will help in converting the sale positively.
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  • @SamanthaOmar perfect will do. I like your views! Thank you.
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  • @SayoF You definitely need to understand your customers and add value. Don't relationships and win people and you will never have to sell. Im planning on actually bringing people together and host a seminar on this. It's such a critical topic and we can all benefit from it in our everyday lives. Winning people through trust and influence. Sales is a by product. There are no short cuts. I love connecting with people and amazingly when I learned this is more important the sales came anyway. I made winning winning their trust my focus and not sales.Our web of connections are important but means nothing of we don't actually CONNECT! Email me and let's chat.
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  • @SayoF You definitely need to understand your customers and add value. Don't relationships and win people and you will never have to sell. Im planning on actually bringing people together and host a seminar on this. It's such a critical topic and we can all benefit from it in our everyday lives. Winning people throught trust and influence. Sales is a by product. There are no short cuts. I love connecting with people and amazingly when I learned this is more important the sales came anyway. I made winning winning their trust my focus and not sales.Our web of connections are important but means nothing of we don't actually CONNECT! Email me and let's chat.
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  • You definitely need to understand your customers and ad value. Don't relationships and win people and you will never havr to sell. Im planning on actually bringing people together and host a seminar on this. It's such a critical topic and we can all benefit from it in our everyday lives. Winning people throught trust and influence. Sales is a by product. There are no short cuts. I love connecting with people and amazingly when I learned this is more important the sales came anyway. I made winning winning their trust my focus and not sales.Our web of connections are important but means nothing of we don't actually CONNECT! Email me and let's chat.
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  • What one skill do I need so I can sell better? - being authentic and being able to connnect with customers in a sincere way.
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  • @AlexSimpson this is atough question thatbusiness owners need to ask themselves. It's easy to base customer choices on quality speed or price - but why yours when there are 100's offering a similar service within these catergories.
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  • @TyMayer how did you perfect your USP? Is itcast in stone or does it evolve depending on clients or circumanstances etc?
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  • @Rmichael Authenticity is key! If you can connect with a client then that is suberb. I concur here.
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  • @SimplyBiz I agree with @AlexSimpson regarding his choice too. To find your USP (Uniqe Selling Proposition) is vital!
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