Allow your customers to help you drive your marketing strategy, they are an authentic representation of how your product/service is perceived in the market. Here are three ways to work customers into your marketing efforts:
Reward your customers
Inviting customers to tell you what they think of your product directly on your website, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or other platforms, is a meaningful way of showing you care.
Use the feedback you get from them as content on your website / social media platforms, this shows that you value their opinion and they feel like they are part of the brand.
Let customers share inventive ways they’re using your product and allow your customers to create and share stories about your brand.
There is nothing more authentic than learning about how real people use a product and how it has changed their lives. You will learn a lot about your market from the way people define your brand. For example, if you are a fashion business, consider inviting customers who have purchased one of your items to share/post photos of them wearing the item.
Enable customers to create your marketing material
Responding and engaging directly with your customers on social media and other platforms establishes an emotional attachment to your brand. Often the comments or photos they produce can be your best marketing material. They will speak on behalf of your brand on their networks and this will increase your brand awareness.
Post By: SimplyBiz