Marang Setshwaelo

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Recent activity by Marang Setshwaelo Recent activity Votes
  • We certainly cannot go on the way we are – as you said earlier something’s got to give. And although China cannot be cited as a model of human rights as you said we have to figure out a way to mov...

  • Thanks so much for that perspective Mike. ‘Balance’ seems to be the buzzword when it comes to how unions are viewed – the perception that they are heavy-handed in their engagements with the employ...

  • @antoprophy - i hear you but unless there is some acknowledgement from those on the inside that theirs is an untransformed space an acknowledgement that comeswith a commitedremedial action that is...

  • We have to accept that at some level if it's going to be authentic then the conversation on racism IS going to be unpleasant and we're bound totread on one another's toes and rub each other the wr...

  • We have to accept that at some level if it's going to be authentic then the conversation on racism IS going to be unpleasant and we're bound totread on one another's toes and rub each other the wr...

  • It's evolving... the old (white) boys network is still a real factor and it's been joined by new old boys networks from different race groups - so there's that old chestnut we still have to deal w...

  • We have to accept that at some level if it's going to be authentic then the conversation on racism IS going to be unpleasant and we're bound totread on one another's toes and rub each other the wr...

  • Are we not just splitting hairs here? Whether it’s racism or a lack of transformation we’re dealing with is the net effect not the same – ie blocking people of colour from the opportunities?

  • We have to accept that at some level if it's going to be authentic then the conversation on racism IS going to be unpleasant and we're bound totread on one another's toes and rub each other the wr...

  • We have to accept that at some level if it's going to be authentic then the conversation on racism IS going to be unpleasant and we're bound totread on one another's toes and rub each other the wr...