SimplyBiz Admin


  • Total activity 717
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  • Followed by 2 users
  • Votes 12
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Recent activity by SimplyBiz Admin Recent activity Votes
  • How to add business advert to the SimplyBiz Directory

    1. Click on your avatar on the top right of our screen to go to your dashboard.   2. Click on Manage your business ads in the directory block. 3. You will be presented with an editable, business a...

  • Business security holiday tips

    The festive period may leave some business owners with a false sense of security but it’s vital that employers remain vigilant. Staff members can unknowingly put your business at risk and open th...

  • Facebook holiday marketing tips

    When approaching any of the holiday times of the year, small business owners should take advantage of every opportunity to market their business. Social media platforms like Facebook give you eas...

  • Sales tips for the festive season

    This time of the year creates great opportunities for you to solidify the relationship you have with your existing customer base and hopefully attract new ones through great referrals. Here are s...

  • 5 steps for keeping your star employees

    High-performing employees are your most important asset. Here’s how you can keep them around for the long term:  Keep them entertained  These employees excel because they're smart, active and curi...

  • Forgot why you fell in love with your business?

    No one starts a business just to feel tired, stressed, uninspired and angry at owning a damn business. Not so long ago I owned a business and felt just that. I fell completely out of love with wha...

  • Entrepreneurial insights - commitment or passion?

    Running your own business takes guts, commitment and an undying passion for what you do. Unfortunately, only the first two of these character traits are likely to see you emerge victorious after w...

  • Defining success as an entrepreneur

    What is Success? This is a somewhat elusive question that we all grapple with at one point or another in our personal and professional lives. Does success have a different definition for entrepren...

  • 10 habits that will help you get to grips with your finances.

    Small-business owners often neglect the financial side of things and struggle with getting outside funding. As strange as it sounds, funding is not always the solution to the problem. Look at the...

  • Thinking about expanding your small business

    Small businesses that have survived the early start-up stages and have established themselves in the marketplace must devote some time to mapping out possible growth trajectories for the short, ...