How do I ensure that all the admin work in my business is done properly?

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    You need to establish a rhythm in your business. So that the same thing happens every day, every week, every month. This way each day you have time allocated to admin and record keeping. When you have a daily rhythm then it becomes a part of the cycle of business and you will see the results of sticking to the rhythm.

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    You could also use project management tools such as to manage the admin of your business

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    MMVA & Trading Pty (Ltd) can make it easy for any business to properly manage their business administration. We provided remote administration services to help businesses grow with ease while ensuring operational efficiency.

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    Hey Petrus

    I would recommend that you automate a lot of your admin activity. Invest in good software, expertise assistant, and a way you can see your progress day-by-day. The key here is consistency - small actions every day. 

    Running a business is a marathon and not a sprint. 

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    I would add that everything depends on what type of business you have and amount of staff verse stock items verse service offered. Once that factor has been established you could get a better response for your needs...

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