Business analyst consultancy

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    Hi Kamogelo,

    The only way to get experience is to do the work and build the timeline. Get a job in the position you see yourself consulting as, spend time there and learn from everyone and everything you can, build good relationships with the clients you work with and then branch out into your own business when you feel you are ready to.

    The other alternative is to go and work for a consultancy.

    Does that make sense?

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    Hi Kamogelo


    There are many ways but the first is to get educated in your chosen field of expertise, then seek accreditation and maintain it all the while building relationships in your chosen field, shadowing other more successful individuals in that industry. the practical training may be done through work somewhere or via opening your own practise then start with small clients grow them and use then as your advertising/marketing tools ( the mentality there is I did it before and I can/will do it again).

    That is just my 2cents coin, hope it is useful to you.



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