How often should I update my website?

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    I usually update my website once a year to stay relevant and up to date with web trends.. and I add a blog post or article as often as possible.. I would like to add one every week but realistically I once a month at best. sometimes using an agency to help with this is great and you pay them a small amount a month rather than a salary for a dedicated person 

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    My website only really get update if we have new projects for the gallery or new services/products on offer which isnt often


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    i don't have a website.. How do i do it?


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    Hi, this depends on a few things.

    If you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry then you needs to publish on it a lot. I create two videos a week and one article and respond to 5 posts a day on LinkedIn.

    I have been in online for 23 years. At one stage I had a network of 16 websites and I only used organic SEO to draw traffic and we posted 1 new artile per website per day.

    Evergreen content.

    Some content you have on your website will be evergreen, meaning it is as relevant today as it was 3 years ago. One such article I wrote was titled: "Will I really steal your brilliant business idea". That article has added value ot readers over the years.

    A good suggestion:

    Post sometinhg relevant to your industry or market once a week on your website. You can summarise someone's article and then provide a link to it. Saves a lot of time.

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    It really depends on the purpose of your website. My online store is updated daily since its an e-commerce site. My financial education platform is updated 2-3 times a week with fresh content to keep readers informed. My business email provider is updated about once every 6 months. Most of our customers find us through Google search and will only ever visit once or twice so there is no need for frequent updates.

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