Employee Files

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    either a filing cabinet or a digital storage method works best

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  • Permanently deleted user


    You'd have to look at a number of factors, namely:

    • How big is your organisation
    • What is your budget
    • How much historical data do you have to capture
    • What is and isn't a priority

    It almost all comes down to budget and what you feel needs to be prioritised.

    This is very much a case-by-case basis and - after doing some research to arm your self - you should consult a document storage company.

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    I run a small business and I've been using both a digital cature method and then printing nd storing the records in case of a system crash

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    I use a lot of informal staff and temp staff.. it becomes difficult to keep track of them so I am exploring various options software options to keep track of and pull various records when I need them

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