SimplyBiz Magazine - Edition 4


What is the International Day of Happiness? It’s a day to be happy, of course! This year it’s on the 20th of March. Happiness is central to our wellbeing and we should not just think about happiness once a year.
As business owners, we should be thinking about making our customers happy, all the time.

Our March edition is packed full of great tips on how to delight customers and because we want to make you happy!

Tell us how you keep your customers smiling in the comments below? 😀




  • Love is a verb - Nedbank Relationship Bankers reveal their top customer care tips!
  • How to make happy customers happier in 2021 - Here are five trends to get you thinking about the happiness factor.
  • 5 Ways to appreciate your customers - If we are seeking to make our customers happy, we should be showing our gratitude for their business.
  • Offers to make you smile from SimplyBiz members.
  • Shifting Gears winner feature - Operating in the new normal


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