SimplyBiz Magazine - Edition 7


Creative and unconventional… young entrepreneurs do business differently!

Did you know? South Africa has a median age of 27.6 years… these young people are running their own businesses; they’re employees in our firms and they are likely our customers.

According to The International Labour Organization (ILO), South Africa had the highest unemployment rate for youth aged 15 to 24 in 2020, out of 189 countries. Self-employment is a logical option in this situation.
In the first quarter of 2020, there were 20,4 million young people aged 15–34 years. South African youth account for over a third of the population, with those within the age group 15 to 34 constituting 34.7% of the population.

Despite the gloom, they are socially aware, tech-savvy and attracted to companies that act as a force for positive change.




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