Personal and business information will be published on the site and becomes available to registered members on the SimplyBiz website so that they can contact you for business and networking.
SimplyBiz will never share your data with anyone. Registered members of the site may share your details with users outside the community without your written consent, but this is not encouraged.
Should this occur, please report it to SimplyBiz immediately.
Your information will be disclosed when we are obliged or permitted by law to do so. Also, if you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on SimplyBiz or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on SimplyBiz, any information SimplyBiz is has about you may be used to stop such behaviour. This may involve informing relevant third parties, such as law enforcement agencies, about the content and your behaviour. For the terms of use please click here.
Please read the terms of use before you accept them as you are giving the members on SimplyBiz access to your personal and business details and permission to contact you.
Registering on SimplyBiz gives Nedbank permission to contact you about products and services that we believe will benefit you and your business.
If you change your mind, you can opt out of receiving marketing material from Nedbank on your profile edit page.
Remember that your comments (with your username) will be placed on the internet and in newsletters, as this is a public forum.
We make every effort to keep your personal data safe.