When approaching any of the holiday times of the year, small business owners should take advantage of every opportunity to market their business.
Social media platforms like Facebook give you easy access to your target market, prepare your existing and potential customers for the holiday season by tailoring the messaging on your platforms effectively.
Here are some quick wins for your Facebook community:
Add some holiday cheer to your cover photo:
Update your current Facebook Page cover photo to reflect the holiday season. This is a simple, easy and fun way to connect with your audience, by reminding them of something you share in common - celebrating the holidays.
Get in the status spirit:
Make your content engaging by asking your fans to share their holiday experiences with you, i.e. “What’s your favourite holiday song?”
Deck the Facebook walls:
Post fun company competitions and giveaways directly to your Facebook wall. Take advantage of this by creating a holiday campaign or promotion for your audience during this time.
Employee holiday highlights:
People enjoy interacting and doing business with brands they feel like they can relate to, so putting a face to your brand is a great way to do that.
Consider doing daily employee highlights during the holiday season, where they can share what they love about the holidays and your business.
Which social media marketing tips will you use these holidays?
This article has been repurposed for this blog. Original article can be sourced from - Social Media Today