This is the time to reflect upon all your business objectives for 2011 and how far you’ve come in achieving them.
Depending on the outcomes this might not necessarily be a pleasant task. However to control the direction you want to take for the upcoming year you need to fully reflect upon the plans that resulted in your accomplishments and shortcomings from the previous year.
Here are 4 essential tools you need to equip yourself with in order to have a more defined vision for your business next year.
Define your objectives and make this definition quantifiable -
What are your specific goals for the year? Identify them in a concise and direct way. This will entail exactly when and how you want to achieve them. For example, if your aim is to increase sales have a set number you want to reach at a specific time/period.
Plan to succeed -
Once you have your objectives clearly defined strategize your execution plan. This will determine your quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily objectives.
Execute your plan -
Now that you have your plan you are ready to execute it. Daily objectives are the best ways to track your progress thus ensure that each given task for the day is completed. Thus in this regard daily discipline is the key to achieving your overall objectives.
Reinforce your goals to stay motivated -
In order to keep you and your employee's motivated to keep track of daily progress and give rewards / proper acknowledgment for each task that has been completed. This increases morale in the workplace and motivates everyone to work even harder to achieve the overall objectives for the year.
Post by SimplyBiz This article has been repurposed for the purpose of this blog the original article can be sourced from: Engage Selling Solutions