An 'Employee Wellness Program' is an effective method to promote health and wellness amongst the members of your staff. The programs will encourage awareness of health-related issues, improve morale, and often times reduce the cost of healthcare for your business.
One important aspect of an employee wellness program is that the program is voluntary. It is rare for 100% of all employees to be interested in participating in an employee wellness program, and those without interest cannot be coerced into doing so.
To find out how many employees would be interested and would participate in the employee wellness program, you may conduct a survey or have every employee fill out a prepared questionnaire.
For the employee wellness program to run smoothly, one person should be elected who will be responsible for coordinating the program. This person may be anyone who is motivated and committed to leading a healthy lifestyle. This person should be interested in promoting the employee wellness program and speak to other colleagues and staff about the program.
The goals of the employee wellness program should be well defined. These goals should include any combination of the following:
• Improve general health and well-being
• Improve productivity
• Improve the sense of being a team
• Improve morale & attitude
• Decrease absenteeism
• Reduce turnover rate
• Decrease injuries
You can also appoint a wellness committee and it will be their responsibility to promote and encourage everyone to get involved. The committee could also be responsible for booking external health care professionals, ensuring the availability of healthy snacks and organizing various health-based events.
It is important for an employee wellness program to address the specific needs of the staff members within your business. Identifying topics of interest and concern may occur by conducting a survey among the employees. Employee wellness programs are effective tools that benefit both the employee and the employer.
Implementing these programs correctly will bring about significant positive change for your business.