Change Gear - Step 4 - Validate your new direction

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Making sure your transformation hits the mark.

You've brainstormed, innovated, and are excited about your new direction. Now, it's time to make sure your shift aligns with market needs and has a high chance of success. This step is all about validating your strategy by confirming it resonates with customer needs, has sufficient market demand, and positions you well against competitors.

Here are three ways you can validate your solutions effectively.

  • Pilot Programs
    Pilot programs give you a real-world view of how your product performs, helping you make improvements before a wider release.
  • MVP Testing
    MVP testing lets you validate your product idea quickly and cost-effectively, helping you make informed decisions about further development.
  • User Testing
    User testing helps you understand how real people use your product, leading to a more user-friendly and enjoyable experience.

Pilot programs

Pilot programs are all about testing your product in the real world with a small group of users. They help you see how your product performs and gather detailed feedback to fix any issues before a full launch.

How it works

  • Select a test group: Choose a small, diverse group that represents your target market.
  • Develop prototypes: Create versions of your product that are close to the final version.
  • Run the program: Let your test group use the product and see how it works for them.
  • Gather feedback: Use surveys, interviews, and observations to understand their experiences and suggestions.
  • Analyse results: Look for common themes and areas to improve.
  • Make changes: Adjust your product based on feedback and test again if needed.

MVP testing

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) testing focuses on introducing a simplified version of your product to test its core functions and market appeal. It helps you validate your concept with minimal investment and gather early feedback.

How it works

  • Define the MVP: Identify the most essential features of your product.
  • Develop the MVP: Create a basic, usable version with just enough features to satisfy early adopters.
  • Launch to a segment: Introduce the MVP to a specific part of your target market.
  • Track usage: Use analytics to see how people are using the product.
  • Collect feedback: Get feedback through surveys, interviews, and direct communication.
  • Assess market fit: Determine if the MVP meets the needs and expectations of the market.
  • Iterate: Refine the MVP based on feedback and keep testing until you get it right.
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User testing

User testing is about seeing how real people interact with your product, spotting usability issues, and gathering qualitative feedback. It helps you improve the overall user experience by observing users in action.

How it works

  • Recruit participants: Select a group of users who represent your target audience.
  • Prepare scenarios: Create tasks and scenarios for users to complete during the session.
  • Conduct sessions: Watch as users interact with your product, taking notes on their behaviour and feedback.
  • Record observations: Capture detailed observations to understand how users feel and what issues they encounter.
  • Analyse feedback: Identify common problems and areas for improvement.
  • Make adjustments: Improve the product’s design and functionality based on the feedback.
  • Repeat: Conduct more sessions to ensure the changes work and gather new insights.


Validate your new direction

Download and complete your Market Validation Template and used the feedback and data gathered to confirm that your strategy aligns with market needs and customer demands, and decide on the best course of action.

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